Wednesday, September 23, 2009

No Kidding.

If you are still not used to words like pee, poo, and farts by now (see banner's welcome message above), you are probably not suited to reading my blog. I suggest you seek reading pleasure elsewhere. A preferred reader is someone who, upon seeing these words, faces them with gusto. Of course, there is no such thing as a preferred reader. Anyone can read my blog, and unless I shut it down, there's no way to keep undesirable readers out. If you're still hanging around, there's a good chance that you have braved my attempts at scatological humour, and I don't have to warn you that there's more to come. LIKE NOW.

J (aka Poop Police): "Have you pooped yet?"

Me: "Nope."

J (aka Poop Snob): "FWAH! 1 week liao leh. I pooped like 3 times today already."

Me:  "Wow." *drools + envious look*

(I never said J = Joe hor).



Joe Yap said...

"A preferred reader is someone who, upon seeing these words, faEces them with gusto"

adrian said...

Haha.... faEces... lol... I like that.... :-P

Burpette said...

Gee, your hubby is really full of shit :P

Alana Jane said...

Now that you know? He's always FOS. :P