Monday, October 26, 2009

Medical Woes.

As if battling PCOS and infertility weren't enough, the body decided to hit me with multiple cysts on both breasts. Even though they are most likely benign, my GP insists that I see a breast surgeon for a more thorough exam. I sense breast biopsies coming my way - OUCH!

And to top it off, she also diagnosed me with hypothyroidism - an underactive thyroid gland. Apparently, the symptoms include tiredness and, listen to this - weight gain! Aaaaahhhh....husband, now we have an explanation for those mysterious 8kgs that crept up on me the past months! Not because of my love and ability to polish off 3 boxes of 'Hello Panda' at one go; not because I often had dinner twice; not because I insisted on having therapeutic doses of 'Krispy Kreme' donuts for my headache; but because I HAVE BEEN PLAGUED BY A LEGITIMATE MEDICAL CONDITION! :p

So, dear husband, when you see this post, please buy me a carton of 'Hello Panda' (strawberry flavour), and half a dozen of 'Krispy Kreme' donuts. I mean, PCOS + IVF + breast cysts + hypothyroidism - who can deal with all of these without the consolation of 'Hello Panda' and 'Krispy Kreme'?

Certainly not I. :)