Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vitamin Junkies

Yup, that's us.


Ranging from Evening Primrose Oil (for my PMS) to Elevit (preconception vitamins) to Coenzyme Q10 (for heart health) to Vitamin C (that's a given) to Vitamin D (having tested for Vitamin D deficiency) to Antioxidant (Die! You free radicals!) to Fish Oil (cos everyone's taking it!) to Herbal Anti-Acne (for during the time of the month) to St John's Wort (for when I'm feeling the blues) to Magnesium (for my chronic neck muscular dysfunction) to L.Acidophilus (for intestinal health) to Liver Detox (for, duh, liver detox?) to Cranberry (for urinary tract health) to Vegetable Vitamins (for when we haven't been eating our veg).

Did I mention that we are vitamin junkies?



adrian said...

So much ??? i thought those all in one vitamin is already enuf.... did the doctor actually say is oki to take so much of vitamins ??

Alana Jane said...

Haha. They are all non-precription (or rather, self-prescribed) vitamins (taken at our own risk). LOL.