Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hostage Negotiation.

Ok, so I lied.

The dogs had nothing to do with Penelope's (2nd) disappearance.

I took her.

And I am holding her hostage.

As a hostage-taker, I am supposed to make demands, right? So, here goes:

1) Penelope is to be confined to The Toilet at all times post release. All other areas are out of bounds.

2) You will have daily visitation rights of 30 minutes with her. You may break the 30 minutes into 2 time-blocks of 15 minutes or 3 time-blocks of 10 minutes. Time extension can be granted on special occasions such as your birthday but is subject to prior permission (by yours truly).

3) For battery charging, Penelope is allowed to be charged twice a week for 2 hours in The Study Room. Thereafter, she is to brought back to The Toilet IMMEDIATELY. Charging her longer than the time stipulated will result in a loss of charge time the following week.

4) Only one new game per month is permitted. No exceptions.

5) Games must NOT be violent in nature. No exceptions.

6) Selected bribes can be used in exchange for time extension on non-special days. Ask first. Failure to offer a desirable bribe might result in a reduction in play time.

You have one week to agree to the above demands before I kill Penelope once and for all.

And I mean it.

Ngak. Ngak. Ngak.



BlueSky said...

Games can be soooo addictive~! haha

Alana Jane said...

Whose side are you on, huh? :P

Joe Yap said...

We do not negotiate with terrorists

Alana Jane said...

Then I'm afraid Penelope will never see the light of day. :P