Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Fifty Minus Forty-four.

Today marks the completion of IUI number 2 what with all the daily injections, weekly scans and, of course, the procedure itself which came to pass just a couple of hours ago.

Everything went according to plan as the last cycle except when Lauren refused to part with her childish ways.

But she didn't have a choice.

The day we hit her with the maturation shot, the reluctant adolescent metamorphosed to adulthood.


And so, this morning, the mister drove to the hospital and made his way to the designated "Production Room" for the sole mission of "coaxing" the little guys for the pilgrimage of their lifetime.

Only 6 million responded.

"Oh? But there were 50 million the last time," the mister said, his expression one of disbelief.

"Yeah, it happens sometimes. Don't worry, we only needed 2 million," my gynae reassured him.

Still, we couldn't help but wondered what was so different this time. Was it the laboratory's lack of effort to "extract" every one of them? Or the realisation by the guys that it doesn't take an entire battalion to do the job of one?

Whatever it is, I think the mister is still wondering.


1 comment:

NaNa said...

Good luck, hope to see Lauren soon :)